A study of Australian men with urinary incontinence found:
intentionally kept incontinence hidden from those close to them
avoided situations where they could not access a toilet easily
avoid socialising, except with close family and friends
“My biggest fear was that my friends would find out. Eventually when I was 17, they did, and the taunts and bullying started.”
Matt (lives with bedwetting)
Incontinence can reduce quality of life
People living with incontinence can feel isolated, they may avoid joining in social, work and leisure activities. For many this causes psychological distress and mental health issues. When the Foundation surveyed doctors (GPs), 69% stated men never or rarely spoke about continence issues in their appointments.
There is a clear link between incontinence and depression, with an Australian review finding that between 20 and 43% of people who live with incontinence, may also have depression.
Help for mental health support is available at beyond blue, www.beyondblue.org.au 1300 22 4636.
Find out more about the causes of incontinence in our Frequently Asked Questions here.